Japanese Wood Technology

Japan is a heavily forested country, on par with the Scandinavian countries of Finland and Sweden, known for having the highest forest coverage in the world.
Wood has been incorporated into daily life in Japan since ancient times. Many woodworking techniques have been refined according to those various uses. Earthquakes, typhoons, and other natural disasters are also common in Japan. To withstand these events, Japanese woodworkers have created many high-value-added wood products, using advanced techniques to process superior Japanese lumber.
Here, we explain some of these high-value-added Japanese wood technologies.
Excellent Japanese
Wood Technology
for Your Better Life

01 Durability, fire resistance, seismic resistance, and termite-repellent features of Japanese lumber
Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters are common in Japan. Japan has a variety of wood processing techniques and processed wood products designed to withstand these natural disasters, as well as damage from fires and termites. Here are some of them.

02 Traditional Japanese woodworking techniques
The world’s oldest wooden structure, built more than 1,400 years ago, is in Japan. Certain Japanese woodworking techniques have been passed down from generation to generation since that time. Here we introduce some of these traditional techniques.

03 Modern Japanese woodworking techniques
Learn about processed wood products created throughout Japan and the woodworking techniques behind them. We also introduce some of the latest technology developed by fusing Japanese woodworking techniques with Western furniture making.